Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The MTC Experience

Sorry it took so long to send word.

The MTC. I almost don't have words to describe it it's almost like something you just have to experience to completely understand. The MTC stands for Missionary Training Center, but others encourage it to stand for 'Make The Change' or "Make Time Can't". For  me I have only been in the MTC for 13 days, & though that number seems really short it's felt like I've been here for weeks. 

I left my home early on Wednesday April 17, 2013 traveled 1588 miles by plane at an average speed of 496 MPH at 38,000 ft in altitude with 71 degrees Fahrenheit  outside. I can say today that that has been a trip well spent. I arrived in Salt Lake City with a temperature of 30 degrees!! I was freaked that it was so cold, but but when but when I went outside it actually wasn't that bad! It felt like 60 degrees Georgia weather. 

As I pulled into the MTC there was a very long curb of missionaries lined up to greet everyone & honestly it freaked me out! It was an instant impact of what I was about to do, so nervously I got out of the car handed over some of my bags to my "host" missionary & started my journey, rolling my suitcase behind me up the hill and snow began to fall. Here I am my first day and it's snowing- ok, it was like sleeting because they were very lite and few. The day I reported there was a total of 253 Elders who also gave up everything to serve the Lord & do His work, & I was one of 259 Sister missionaries who have also put their life on hold for a period of time. Now I'm at the end of this journey here and I can say that I've learned a lot about the Gospel, others and myself.

Pieces for you
-As you do everything to walk closer to God, He will walk closer to you.
-Truth declareth  all things
-No matter what other people do You chose to
1) BE HAPPY      2) LOVE them!
-Next time Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.
-Every sorrow is but a moments tear
-Modesty is a condition of the heart
-The Atonement isn't just infinite, it's intament
-To love your neighbor and the Lord, you need to know how to love yourself first.
-"music is the language of heaven"

I could write so sooo much more, but I know this is really long so I wish you all well and I leave with you this primary song 'smile'
"If ya chance to meet a frown, Do not let it stay. Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away. No one likes a frowning face. Change it for a smile. Make the world a better place by smiling all the while."

<3 Sister Amanda Jayne R.

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