Wednesday, June 12, 2013


May 27, 2013

Wow, what a week of miracles! You wouldn't even believe it and I'm still trying to comprehend all of them though I was a personal witness!!

First, Mormon Messages have changed my life!!!! Please Please PLEASE take a few minutes to watch them. They are amazing! You can find them on or the mormon channel and probably

2nd. I have always known that I love the Lord and that He loves me and that I am his daughter. But everyday I'm finding out how much depth there is to those truths. As you turn to the Lord and just tell Him openly that there are somethings you can not do and when you put your love and trust in Him, He takes you in His hands and takes care of the rest.

3rd. I know that the gospel can lives and I knew I would be part of it. But this week I have truly seen it. There is an indescribable feeling when you see the light of the gospel touch the hearts to those who have been searching it. This week in particular we met with Willie and his daughters. Willie has a history of drug problems, his wife prostitutes herself to get the drugs and their 13 year old daughter has been left in juvy neglected and has been messed up with some bad things. Wille called his brother because he finally realized he needed to change his life. So we met with him and his two daughters, he left his wife and we taught him about Gods love. Tears were weeping from his face and he felt the Holy Ghost touch his life and I sincerely believe that this was the first step forward to rescue him and his family. We're meeting with them again on Thursday.
Also little small things. like running into people and being in the right place at the right time. It really is amazing. And Steve. Boy, he's another story but last week he admitted he was supplying the drugs to his wife and they had binged the night she basically ODed. But he was too out of it, just thinking it was another "normal" night. BUT since he confided in us, and admitted it was a problem I've seen a new light in his eyes and I believe that is hope. Hope that our Savior Jesus Christ supplies to all. SO....week of miracles and I am just so grateful and honored my Savior trust me to put His children in my hands.

4th. A personal miracle for me :) Last night we walked by this house that was throwing out some notebooks (they're moving) and one was bright and caught my eye. The design was 70s! So of course I collected it into my safe arms and when I returned home I opened it up to reveal the pages it had inside. It was indeed a notebook from the 70s full of poems. It has been the most beautiful and amazing personal gift ever! Inside lays treasures of souls dated from 1972 and 1974. There was one poem that talked about losing a loved one who was killed in Vietnam. I still can't believe what I have found! I am so lucky

The gospel of Jesus Christ as restored in His church is the truth! I see it, feel it, and know it every single day. This is the most amazing experience ever. Please get to know your Heavenly Father better. He listens and answers your prayers

OH!!! I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I met Kendra Jackson who is Gladis Knights' daughter!!!!! She is sooo fantastic and amazing and a fire cracker! They started this thing called Saints United Voices that's a traveling musical fireside held in our chapels. It sounds amazing and they were just in Memphis, so look them up and they should go to georgia (since that's where they're from) of course its free! So many talented and amazing people are here! But that's my brag to fame right now, I'll be hanging out with her a lot this summer as she teaches me how to bake ;)
Sister Roberts ;)

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