Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today is perfect!

June 24, 2013
Its about 10:30am and the weather is only 86!!!! IT'S SO NICE!!!!!!!!

I've been waiting to write this email for 2 weeks now because I've had so much to say!!! But now I finally get a chance to write and I can't remember what all I was going to say!!!
The work is going really well and I am seeing the Heavenly Father loves, knows personally and is blessing all of His children! Seriously, miracles really do happen and I see and experience them almost everyday. Did I mention that they call Nevada the Mississippi of the west? Cause it's all Dixie... well, there are lots of sitings of rattle snakes but luckily I haven't met them yet! I Do however want to met the baby bob cats that are here, my area is up against a mountain and I think I heard cyotee the other night! And there are family of quail that run around and are soo cute!!! Almost everyone here has a dog, so I'm starting to like them...sometimes ;) 

And I spy Vanessa (Davis) Dunckliy in my photos! She's from the Fayetteville ward and is recently married, in my ward and a ward mission leader with me!! How cool right? First Sunday we both looked at each other and said "I know you" 

The people here are all really sweet! And we get a long so well! The little kids are awesome! One little girl made me a bracelet that I now where all the time, and it truly is a blessing to be in the right time at the right place for someone. The other night we were having a lesson with one of our recent converts and we had a member over, and it turns out we were suppose to be there for the member and not the convert because at one point she just broke down because she was burdened and it was so great to comfort her and to speak in behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Also, there is this newly married 21 year old couple with a 17 mnt old girl who is fostering till they can adopt 3 of their cousins! a 3 year old, 7 and 8! I am so impressed! They're both 21! So we've been able to go help them and the other day we popped in to drop off some clothes and they were like "can you teach about honesty and lying!" SO we totally just made that up! It's hard though, cause there was some brainwashing involved and abuse in their old foster home, soo the 8 year old  is kinda stuck in her ways...but she looooves Jesus! (though she still thinks that God and Jesus are the same) but the 7 year old has my heart! 

THEN!!! Friday we had a Sisters Luncheon where all the sister missionaries in our mission got together and I got to conduct the second half of the meeting which was totally awesome!!!!! And made me feel super good and important :) (and my mission president, his wife and our health coordinator all thought I did really good- i love being in charge ;) )

AND I GOT TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!! For the first time in 2 months!!! It was crazy but felt so nice!!!!!! We were on exchanges and I got to be the senior companion in my area for a day- yeah! and I get to do it again tonight!!! Sorry this is long, and i know i'm forgetting a lot. but love you hope you're well!

Sister Amanda Jayne R.

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