Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 01, 2013

Well hello everyone! 

Saturday JUNE 29th was a breaking record high for the people here in Henderson. Our car read up to 122. SO basically as a missionary here you just sweat. and live in your sweat, even if you get a car. And I got Muppet band-aids!!!!!!!!!!!! SO totally exciting!!!!

And I know this is super short, but nothing really has changed, I'm just trying to work really hard. OH! and parents you'll lovee this- I've probably cleaned more on my mission that i have my whole life. We've mainly been doing a lot of service with helping people move and clean- and I've even Cinderella styled "moped" a few times. And this one lady her husband just left her for his girlfriend this week, apparently its at least the 4th one he's had that she knows of in almost 15 years of marriage. So needless to say I came right over and started packing up his stuff! But she is so much nicer than just throwing it out. AND HAPPY JULY!!!!! IT's going to get soooo hot!!!!! :'( :' ( but I can do it! 

I don't really know what else to say but i love you! Oh and i got to play with a chinchilla! and it kept cuddling up on my chest! Enjoy the family reunion for those of you who go, i wish i could be there. but just remember if it's hot I'm sweating more than you ;) 

Sister Amanda Jayne R.

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