Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Family! July 8, 2013

This week, for me, it's been really focused on family and how important they are, how miraculous they are, and how great the love that is found within them. I am sooo truly grateful for my family those blood and bond, because you all truly mean so much to me! I don't want my life without you all!!! oh, sorry "ya'll" I'm trying to work on my southern accent ;) But truly, Heavenly Father has blessed us so much by giving us families, and I am so grateful for the knowledge that families can be together for all eternity!! 

Also, if you want to get closer to Jesus Christ read the Book of Mormon. Seriously. It is so powerful and true and just amazing. I feel closer and stronger to my Savior and Heavenly Father each day that I read- and I just can't get enough of it! I keep reading all the time through out the day, and it is definitely lifting me up and helping me. I know it can help you too. No matter what you are going through. 

SUNDAY!!!! Miraculous Sunday!!!! IT RAINED!!!!!!!!! it was beautiful and wonderful and wet!!!!!! For a few hours and then it was all dried up again. So this week had a little cool weather associated with it- 99 and 103 feels soo good! Ha

Well, I hope you're all doing well. Remember you can always pray to Heavenly Father and He'll hear you because no matter what, you are always His child.

Sister Amanda Jayne R. 
The Sister Missionary

oh! and watch mormon messages on mormonchannel.org they make me cry all the time they're so good!

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